Super Goblin Kart Rumble 2000
Super Goblin Kart Rumble 2000 is a wild remix of kart racing, FPS action, PvE chaos, goblins and... CHICKENS!! all soaked in pure 2000s nostalgia!
Originally created for Crazy Web Game Jam 2024
This game is a prototype developed for a game jam.
A game that combines the car combat gameplay style inspired by Vigilante 8 and Twisted Metal, with a remixed horde mode, pop musicians, and, of course, GOBLINS!
• 4 selectable goblins, each with a unique look
• 1 track set on a pier
• Online ranking
• Split-screen multiplayer
Um jogo que combina o estilo de gameplay de combat car, inspirado em Vigilante 8 e Twisted Metal, com um modo horda remixado, músicos pop e, é claro, GOBLINS!
• 4 goblins selecionáveis, cada um com visual único
• 1 pista ambientada em um píer
• Ranking online
• Multiplayer em tela dividida
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